Servants At Work

Servants At Work

SAW Camp - girl sawing Whereas Psalm 23 Camp was established in 1985 to provide children with “something to do” the Servants-At-Work (S.A.W.) camps were started in 1993 as a way of involving young people in “doing something” for other people. The article Servanthood 101 explains our reasons for such.

The primary objective of the S.A.W. camps is to involve teens in projects in Monroe County that assist the elderly, disabled and other needy families with home repair and maintenance projects. Minor home repair and painting are the most common types of work projects to help families. More complex projects including new home construction are usually available each summer. The link here gives an explanation of Psalm 23 Camp’s role in workcamps

Psalm 23 staff have two other important objectives when campers participate in one of the S.A.W. camps’ (1) spiritual growth and development and (2) Recreation.

For the spiritual component, the home away from home environment in a beautiful setting can be a asset. In addition to the time church youth leaders have to give special teaching to their teens, the camp staff provides some experiences to enhance that experience.

Recreational aspects of the week at Psalm 23 Camp are also important. The favorite activity for most groups comes on Friday(free day) when campers are free to participate in some all-day recreation. The majority chooses white water rafting on the New River about two hours from camp. Groups make their own reservations in advance of the camp week.

Other choices for the free day include mountain biking, hiking to a large waterfalls near Pembroke, VA., horseback riding, visits to one of the WV State parks and canoeing on one of the rivers nearby.

For camp fees go to the Leader Guide page.

For information about Friday Free Day recreation click here.

For information about the camp daily and weekly schedules check camp schedules.

How it Started

Psalm 23 Camp sponsored some winter mission trips to Central America before beginning local mission work.

The local SAW camps provided a way to involve young people in particular, and involve more people at a lower cost.

Foreign SAW experiences are sponsored about once every one to two years. These trips are usually in mid-February and open to teens and adults.

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