Things to Bring

Personal Items

  • Bedding, such as sleeping bag or sheets, blankets, pillow.
  • Towels
  • Toilet items
  • Flashlight
  • Bible

Clothes, Work

  • Long pants recommended, but not required
  • Hard soled shoes or work boots
  • Gloves

Clothes, Leisure

  • Use discretion. Do not bring short shorts, halter tops, etc.
  • Light weight jacket, sweat shirt or sweater for evenings
  • Extra shoes


  • Hammer
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Some may wish to bring personal tools such as drill, circular saw, etc.

White Water Rafting

  • Swim wear or shorts
  • T-shirt
  • Pair of old sneakers or special sandals for water
  • Lightweight nylon windbreaker (if rain appears likely on that day)
  • Sun screen
  • If you wear glasses, bring a sturdy strap to keep from losing them
  • Baseball cap or visor. Do not wear cotton (no sweatshirts, sweat pants, jeans)
  • Also take for the rafting trip a towel, dry clothes, and dry shoes.


  • TV
  • Radio, including portable devices
  • CD, tape, 8 track players, etc.

Special Notes

  • Nights can be cool
  • Sunburn is easier at the high elevations
  • Rafting requires special clothing
  • No playing music while working

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